Out of office - Guide to establishing a successful remote culture
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ToggI is a software to make time tracking painless for the entire team and boost the team’s performance.

The platform has produced a guide aimed at establishing a successful remote culture; the latter sums-up all the values of the company and affects, therefore, every aspect of the business, including the morale of remote workers.

The ToggI’s guide represents a precious tool for digital team leaders or for the digital entrepreneurship’s support system in general, since it collects the following practical information and tips (each of them representing a chapter):

Chapter 1 – The pros and cons of becoming part of a distributed team
Chapter 2 – Building distributed teams: everything you need to know
Chapter 3 – Hiring remote talent: how to set up a successful remote hiring pipeline
Chapter 4 – Growing your remote team: how to onboard new members and set expectations
Chapter 5 – How to make remote teams work: Culture is crucial
Chapter 6 – How to lead a great remote team: the importance of letting go

In the guide are also collected some best practices adopted by different companies, like practices for stress’s relief, team building or team management in general.


Smart working, remote work, remote culture


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