Objectives & GoalsClick to read
Know what motivates you as an entrepreneur. |
To align your motivation with achievable goals.
Advanced level of the EntreComp competence MOTIVATION AND PERSEVERANCE
Using divergent and convergent thinking to enhance creativity.
Stimulate your creativity to solve various problems.
Advanced level of the EntreComp competence: CREATIVITY
Know how to boost your self-confidence and know your weaknesses.
The OutlooksClick to read
The motivation for entrepreneurship can be based on the following aspects:
- Desire for independence; it will be a question of wanting to develop oneself while being creative and free of one's own actions and in search of a quality of life at work,
- Being one's own boss; this means ensuring one's own entrepreneurial development and taking responsibility for one's choices,
- Desire to undertake at all costs; this is a singular motivation which opens up opportunities, admittedly at risk, but based on its own orientations,
- Creating one's own job; it is a desire to take personal responsibility and to choose,
- Acquiring capital; this is an objective based on the desire to create and develop added value,
- To want to lead; it is a motivating feeling that requires competence and a sense of human and hierarchical relations,
- Wanting to develop a business and a team; this is linked to the two previous items,
- Carrying out a project; this involves defending it, leading it and adjusting it as necessary in order to carry it through from start to finish,
- An opportunity; this may be the case when there is a change in one's life, or to retrain or take over a business...,
- To show what I am capable of doing alone.
Get Busy! |
Try to list yours as a woman entrepreneur.
What are your motivations?
Theoretical and scientific contribution on motivationClick to read
Numerous articles on the subject indicate differences, as the subject is once again very diverse and subjective depending on the person.
This means that one cannot practically speak of 'motivation' without more or less explicitly situating oneself in a conceptual or theoretical framework of the subject. Putting forward the notion of 'motivation' engages, in one form or another, causality and pushes to verify a certain 'mechanism'. This does not mean that talking about motivation is necessarily a form of reductionism, but certainly "as many psychological schools, as many motivations! ".
The theories are also very diverse and numerous.
Scientific articles identify the following:
- attribution theory;
- self-determination theory
- Self-regulation theory; Self-efficacy theory
- self-efficacy theory; expectancy theory
- expectancy theory;
- theory of planned behaviour.
Define your needClick to read
As mentioned, motivation refers to the underlying needs that an individual aspires to or is tempted to aspire to. For entrepreneurship, if the need is real and motivating, it must be aligned with achievable goals.
The SMART formulation that would motivate the need for entrepreneurship must address these points:
- Specific,
- Measurable,
- Achievable-acceptable,
- Realistic,
- Time-bound.
The learner must be able to answer these points. Describing his or her motivation to start his or her own business, stating his or her need, he or she should be able to fill in the SMART. Once identified, he/she will be able to measure whether the legitimate motivation is in line with the above 5 points offering him/her much more assurance for an entrepreneurial project.
Stimulate your creativityClick to read
Being creative is not just about writing a novel or painting on a blank canvas! Creativity applies to all areas of life, whether it's cooking a delicious meal, coming up with a great idea at work or a new game to share with the family.
Creativity exists in all of us, but like anything else, the less we use it, the harder it is to activate or access it easily!
Unfortunately, it can also sometimes be undervalued or misunderstood, so we tend to spend less time with it...
Some people, such as artists, actors and creators, give priority to their creativity. Driven by this part of themselves, they make it the driving force of their career. Their creativity becomes their mode of expression!
This may not sound like a good fit for you, but that doesn't mean you're not creative! Anyone can spend time and energy being creative in their own way.
Creativity is an essential element for the successful development of a company. Just like innovation.
Anyone can do it, sometimes you just need to stimulate your creativity.
Below we give you 8 foolproof tips to boost your creativity:
- Dreaming
- Thinking like a child
- Knowing how to step back
- Don't restrict your imagination
- Look for opportunities to laugh
- Record your ideas
- Not sorting ideas in order of importance
- Think and think big
Using divergent and convergent thinking to enhance creativityClick to read
A correct task distribution is fundamental to guarantee a proper business management and improve workers’ performance, in particular in smart working contexts. These are some of the ICT tools which can help project planning and team management:
Convergent thinking is a way of finding a well-defined solution to a problem, while divergent thinking will be a way of thinking more creatively to find various solutions.
-Convergent thinking: Your computer breaks down, you call a technician directly to fix it.
-Divergent thinking: Your computer breaks down, a divergent thinker will try to determine the cause and use different means to solve the problem. They might call a technician or choose one of the following options: watch a tutorial on YouTube, send an email to the service department, etc. This will help him to deduce the best solution.
Trello |
- The benefits of divergent thinking : It can sometimes be difficult, as a business owner, to take the time to think divergently. Working too convergently, but also too quickly, can sometimes force you to stay in your comfort zone.
Divergent thinking, on the other hand, will allow you to, but not limit yourself to :
- Identify new opportunities
- Generate ideas with multiple functions
- Find creative ways to solve solutions
How can we adopt more divergent thinking ?
- Reflect on your thinking: Take time to reflect on your thinking step by step. By adding steps to your thought pattern, divergent thinking will become easier to acquire. For example, you can take half an hour to an hour to relax before writing emails that contain important decisions.
- Use brainstorming and mind maps: Brainstorming and mind maps are tools to boost divergent thinking, as they allow you to expand your perception and generate new ideas. Mind maps are a form of brainstorming in which you make a diagram of tasks, words, concepts or other elements related to the overall concept, which allows you to visualise your thoughts and generate new ideas without worrying about structure.
- Free yourself from time constraints: before making an important decision or solving a problem, it is important to free yourself from all time constraints so that you do not feel obliged to limit yourself to convergent thinking.
- Examples of techniques to free oneself from time constraints.
- Asking for the agenda before a meeting so you can prepare properly.
Use the timeboxing technique (see glossary).
Set your own deadlines before officials. This gives you room to manoeuvre if you need to.
- Be curious and daring: By habit, or by fear of taking risks, we tend to remain confined to convergent thinking. However, a good project manager must know how to switch from convergent to divergent thinking depending on whether the situation requires a quick and structured solution or an open mind. Subjectivity is not always necessary, but you will often need to combine both types of thinking to succeed in your leadership role.
Creative thinking tools to adapt to everyday workClick to read